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Onze merken
- 1+ in the family
- 4 funky flavours
- 7 for all mankind
- Aai aai
- Aarrekid
- Abercrombie & Fitch
- Acacia
- Adidas
- Adolfo Domínguez
- Aigle
- Alba baby
- Albakid
- Alice et Maman
- All Star
- Alwero
- America Today
- American Outfitters
- Ammehoela
- anggo
- Angulus
- Anive
- Anne Kurris
- Antony Morato
- appaman
- Archimède
- Armani
- arsene et les pipelettes
- Atelier Assemblé
- Atelier Assemblé
- Ayacucho
- Aykasa
- Aykasa2
- Aymara
- B.Nosy
- Ba*Ba
- Babe & Tess
- Babeurre
- Baby Boden
- BabyBjorn
- Babyface
- Babylonia
- Babysprouts
- Baker Bridge
- Bandy Button
- Bang Bang Copenhagen
- Barts
- Basic Apparel
- Béaba
- Be Mini
- Bean's Barcelona
- Beau Loves
- beberlis
- Bebi Amsterdam
- Beebielove
- Bellaire
- Bellerose
- Bench
- Benetton
- Bengh Per Principesse
- Berenice
- Bergstein
- Bess
- Bibs
- Bibs 2
- Billabong
- Billieblush
- billowy
- Billy Bandit
- Birkenstock
- Bisgaard
- Bizou Milou
- Bizou Milou 3
- Blablabla
- Blafre
- Blue Bay
- Blune
- Bob & Blossom
- Bobo Choses
- Boboli
- Bobux
- Boek
- Bonmot
- Bonnet à Pompon
- Bonnie & The Gang
- Bonpoint
- Bonton
- Bor*z
- Bora Bora
- Boss
- Brian and nephew
- Brunotti
- Buff
- Buho
- Buissonnière
- Bunnies
- Burberry
- Buro Bijou
- Burton
- Bybar
- C'est quoi la vie
- Cakewalk
- Calvin Klein
- Calvin Klein Jeans
- Camper
- Caramel Baby
- Carlijn Organic
- Carlijn Q
- Caroline Bosmans
- Carrément Beau
- Cars Inc.
- Catimini
- Charlie
- Chat Mechant
- Chew on it
- Childhome
- Circle of Trust
- Claesen's
- Cocoon - La Redoute
- collegien
- Columbia
- Condor
- Condor3
- Contre vents et marées
- coq en pâte
- Cos i said so
- Cotolini
- Cucada by Eli
- Cyrillus
- Danefae
- DC shoe
- de Kunstboer
- de Melkbrigade
- Dear Sophie
- Decorpele
- Decoy
- Designers Remix
- Desigual
- Diapers & Milk
- Diesel
- Dis une couleur
- Dodo Eskimo
- Dolce & Gabbana
- Dominique Ver Eecke
- Dorélit
- Dstrezzed
- Du Pareil au Même
- Ducksday
- Dulce Como Candy
- Duns
- Easy Peasy
- ebbe
- Ebbe
- Ebound
- egg by susan lazar
- Ej Sikke Lej
- Element
- Eleven Paris
- Eli
- Elsy Girl
- Emile et Ida
- EnFant
- Engel
- Ergococoon
- ergoPouch
- Ernesto
- Essentiel
- Etiket
- ettel bettel
- EVE Children
- evie lala
- Filou & Friends
- Fina Ejerique
- Finger in The nose
- First Step
- Frankie & Liberty
- Fred & Ginger (FNG)
- Fred Perry
- Fresh dinosaurs
- fresk
- Froy & Dind
- Funky Legs
- Gaastra
- Galluci
- Garcia Jeans
- Gardner and the Gang
- Gaultier Junior
- Geisha
- Giesswein
- Ginz
- Go Soaky
- GoFluo
- Gold
- grain de blé
- Gray Label
- Gro Company
- Guess
- H.J.O.R.T.H Copenhagen
- Hackett London
- Hackett London
- Hartford
- Hatley
- Havaianas
- Heart of gold
- Hebe
- Hello Simone
- Helly Hansen
- Herschl
- Hilde en Co (FNG)
- Hip
- Hogan
- House of Jamie
- House of Ninoh
- Howlin'
- Hugo loves Tiki
- Hundred Pieces
- Hunter
- Hux Baby
- i*Ver Handmade
- Icepeak
- Iglo + Indi
- Ikids
- il gufo
- il gufo
- Imps & Elfs
- Indee
- Indian Blue Jeans
- indikidual
- Inge van den Broeck
- Ipanema
- Izipizi
- Jack & Jones
- Jack Wolfskin
- Jan Van Trier
- Jay
- Jeune Premier
- Jollein
- Jott
- Joules
- Jubel
- Just Blue
- juuls
- Karma Koma
- Katvig
- Keen
- Kenzo
- Kiabi
- Kidscase
- Kiekeboe (FNG)
- Kik Kid
- Kipling
- Kitzbühel
- Knot
- Knot So Bad
- Koeka
- koko noko
- Konges Slöjd
- Krutter
- KWay
- L' Asticot
- L'Artigiano
- La petite Collection
- La Romi
- Lacoste
- Lassig
- Lötiekids
- Le Big
- Le Chic
- Le Fabuleux Marcel De Bruxelles
- Le temps des cerises
- Lee
- Lee Cooper
- Lemon Beret
- Les Coyotes de Paris
- Les petits vagabonds
- Les Rêves d'Anais
- Levi's
- Lewis & Melly
- Lexie and the Moon
- Liewood
- Like Flo
- Like Flo
- Lil' Atelier
- Lili Gaufrette
- Lilliputiens
- Lily Balou
- Limon
- Lipfish
- little 10 days
- Little 11 Paris
- Little Bird
- little creative factory
- Little Dutch
- Little hedonist
- Little History
- Little History
- Little Indians
- Little Label
- Little Label Deluxe
- Little Man Happy
- Little Marc Jacobs
- Little Marcel
- Little Pieces
- Little Remix
- Liu Jo
- Liv+Lou
- Living Crafts
- Living Kitzbühel
- Lolo
- Long Live the Queen
- Loud & Proud
- Loudly
- Louis Louise
- Louise Misha
- Love Therapy
- Lovestation22
- LP Boys
- Lucy Wang NYC
- Lunella
- Lyle & Scott Junior
- Maa
- Maan
- Madison
- Mads Norgaard Copenhagen
- maed for mini
- Main Story
- Maison Tadaboum
- Maje
- mamatu
- mambotango
- Manuela De Juan
- Marc Jacobs
- Marco Polo
- Marimekko
- MarMar Copenhagen
- Marni
- Mary Luce
- Mash
- Mason's
- Massimo Dutti
- Mats & Merthe
- Max & Lola
- Max&Lola
- Maxomorra
- Maya Kids
- Mayoral
- Mayoral baby
- Mc Gregor
- Me and My Monkey Go Bananas Every Day
- Mer du Nord
- Meri Meri
- Message in the bottle
- Metsola
- Mexx
- Mies & Co
- Milk 'n Sugar
- Milk on the rocks
- Milo & Mila
- Mim-Pi
- Mingo
- mini a ture
- Mini Boden
- mini circus
- Mini Rebels
- Mini Rodini
- Miss chips
- moi
- Molo
- Mon Oncle d' Amérique
- Moncler
- Monkind
- Monnalisa
- Moodstreet
- Moon Monsters
- Moonboots
- Moonkids
- Morley
- Moses
- Moses2
- Motoreta
- Moumout Paris
- Muchacha
- Mundo melocotón
- Mussukat
- My Little Cozmo
- My Sweet Potato
- Nadadelazos
- Name It
- Nanami
- Napapijri
- Naperonutti
- Nathalie Verlinden
- Native
- Naturino
- Nero Giardini
- Nico Nico
- Nik&Nik
- Nike
- Nixnut
- Noali
- Noé&Zoë
- nobodinoz
- nOeser
- Noppies
- nosh
- Noukie's
- nr.74
- nununu
- Nupkeet
- O'Chill
- O'Neill
- Ocra
- Oepsie
- Oil & Garment
- Oilily
- Omamimini
- Oneill
- Only
- onnolulu
- OshKosh
- Oska
- Oxbow
- P'tit Filou
- Papanatas
- Papu stories
- Patricia Pepe
- Paul Smith Junior
- Pauline B
- Peak performance
- Pepe
- Pepe Jeans
- Petasil
- Petit Bateau
- Petit Crabe
- Petit Louie
- Petit Pan
- Petit Sofie Schnoor
- Petrol
- Phil & Phae
- Pia
- picnik
- Pinko
- PiuPiuChick
- Play up
- Polarn O Pyret
- Poldino
- Polo
- Pom d'Api
- Pontus
- PopUpshop
- Protest
- Quicksilver
- Quincy
- R95
- Ralph Lauren
- Red & Blu
- Red Castle
- Relaunch
- Relish
- Repose AMS
- Retour
- Retro Rock and Robots
- Rex
- Rita Co Rita
- River Woods
- Rockin my Bae
- Romagnoli
- Rondinella
- Room seven
- Ruby Tuesday
- Rumbl!
- Rylee + Cru
- S.Oliver
- Saints & Bullies
- Salt Water Sandals
- Sass & Belle
- Scapa Sports
- Scotch & Soda
- Scotch R'belle
- Scotch Shrunk
- Serendipity
- SevenOneSeven
- Shine Original
- Shiwi
- Shoesme
- Simple Kids
- Sissy Boy
- six hugs and rock 'n roll
- Smafolk
- Small Rags
- Snurk
- Sofie Schnoor
- Soft Gallery
- Someday Soon
- Someone
- Something Strange
- Speedo
- Sproet & Sprout
- Sprout
- Stabifoot
- Start Rite
- State of Art
- Stay Little
- Stella McCartney
- Sticky Fudge
- Stone Island
- Stones and Bones
- Strass
- Studio Fritsy
- Sturdy
- Sun68
- SunChild
- Sundek
- Superga
- Suzy B
- SVNTY Antwerp
- Tambere
- Tapete
- Tartine et Chocolat
- Temps des Cérises
- Terre Bleue
- Teva
- The Animals Observatory
- The Campamento
- The New
- the new chapter
- The new society
- The North Face
- Timberland
- Timboo
- Timmy by Mella
- tiny cottons
- Titatimi
- Tito & Zaira
- To the moon and back
- Tocoto vintage
- Tom & Du
- Tommy Hilfiger
- Tooby Doo
- Toos Franken
- Tri Cotti
- Trixie Baby
- Trussardi Junior
- Tumble 'n Dry
- Twin set
- Ugg
- Uncle Bill
- Uniqlo
- Van Hassels
- Vans
- Vega Basics
- Veja
- Vermarc Sport
- Victoria
- Vilebrequin
- Villervalla
- Vingino
- Vintage Cowboys
- Volcom
- Von Dutch
- Walk Safari
- Wander & Wonder
- We are kids
- We say no
- Weekend House Kids
- Wheat
- Wild
- Witlof for kids
- Wolf en Rita
- Woody
- Your Wishes
- Yporqué
- Yuki
- Zadig & Voltaire
- Zecchino d'Oro
- Zootjes
- zorra
- Zreefer